DOP with sophia AL Maria for whitechapel gallery
Sophia Al-Maria: BCE
12 January 2018 – 28 April 2019
Galleries 5&6, Free Entry
Working on This project with Sophia Al Maria was transformative, I thoroughly enjoyed.
Thursday 15 November 2018 –Marking the culmination of a year-long collaboration as Whitechapel Gallery’s Writer in Residence, this new project from artist, writer and filmmaker Sophia Al-Maria (b. 1983, US) draws on feminism and radical queer politics to consider themes of history and narrative. BCE presents two distinct creation myths side by side – one ancient, one new.
In an ongoing collaboration Al-Maria has invited London-based artist, writer and performer Victoria Sin (b. 1991, Canada) to conceive of a new creation myth in a film work specially-commissioned for Whitechapel Gallery and on show for the first time. Sin performs the myth to camera, interrogating the patriarchal dimensions of sex, race, gender and fertility.
Most Dismal Swamp’s ‘Mush’
I had the pleasure of shooting the live action aspects of this mixed reality piece which was shown at Mira festival, info about this can be seen here:
Most Dismal Swamp is an experimental art platform and record label that simulates and explores a contemporary ecology which has come to be defined by the hallucinatory entanglement of multiple logics, systems, temporalities, and realities: a mixed-reality paradigm; a pervasive, horizonless swampscape.
Curated + Directed by Most Dismal Swamp
Edit and FX by Most Dismal Swamp and Stephen McLaughlin -- @most_dismal_swamp & @straightola
Semelparous installation by Joey Holder -- @joeyholder__
Unreal Engine 5 world and Exudater installation by Samuel Capps -- @samuel.capps
MUSH collages by Lou Shafer -- @luoshfaer
Blender animations by Aquabubz -- @aquabubz
Blender wall decal by Tissue Hunter -- @tissue_hunter
Additional 2D graphics and animated typography by Post Cyberparamo -- @post_cyberparamo
3D animated figures by Olia Svetlanova -- @oliasvetlanova_
Silicone garments by vvxxii and Johanna Invrea -- @_vvxxii & @iranacredi
DOOBIE WEB 2009 Sweatshirts by Iain Ball
Jewellery by Timothy Gasbarro -- @eroticwelder
Sculptures by Hannah Rose Stewart, Agnieszka Szostek, Yiming Yang, Sian Fan, Laura Costas -- @6footstranger @agnieszka.szostek @yimingyang_d @sianfan Laura Costas
Spirit's Gravity drawings by Matt Cangiano -- @mattcangiano
Choreography by Most Dismal Swamp and Laila Majid -- @helloo0o0o0oo0oo0oooo00o00o0o
Performers: V Shetsova, Luke Magill, Furi, Lora Angelova, Susanna Husebø
@zlopobedilo @whitetrashtray @furi.216 @u_r_o_k_i @susannehusebo
Camera by Julia Brown -- @julia_fiona_brown
Words by Most Dismal Swamp
Music by FRKTL -- @frktl
Piece shown at Mira festival 2022
Piece shown at Mira festival 2022
I created this film collaboratively with Tony Njoku. A lyric video for song, shot, directed and edited by myself.
Still from ‘Gather your spools, let your hair down for me. Gently. Here. Undo’ (2021) a film by Raisa Kabir.
Still from ‘Gather your spools, let your hair down for me. Gently. Here. Undo’ (2021) a film by Raisa Kabir.
Gather your spools, let your hair down for me. Gently. Here. Undo, (2021) a film by Raisa Kabir.
I had the pleasure of shooting and editing this film with Raisa. Moe infor about the artist work in their words can be seen here:
“The performance in the moving portrait is a kind of queer ‘drag’ on embodying South Asian narratives. A performed fantasy of the craft labour/er. As this weaver doesn’t really exist in any land or geography. The moving portrait is set in an idea of nature, untethering the land and geography in relation to the crafted labour of Paisley designs, where the woven shawls originate in Kashmir, and the motif is found across textiles spanning the northwestern region of South Asia up into Afghanistan and Punjab.
The body of this craft labour/er has been displaced. I, performing these weaving actions, with these materials, in this place, am creating a fantasy based on the mythology of this weaver. There is no recreation. It aims to challenge the viewer to reexamine the histories placed on, or erased around the provenance of textiles and textile patterns. How this is intimately connected to border violence and colonial borders in that region, where decimated textile heritages and continuation of hand weaving brocade shawls has declined, and how that is linked to Scottish and British interaction, and the consumption of paisley patterned cloth divorced from the Boteh.”
a link to more info about the work and the full film can be seen here: this film was part of the CCA Glasgow exhibition, ambi in 2021.
.Factory Talk is an intergenerational conversation about identity, sexuality and masculinity in a rural factory. Through the clanging of metal they make small talk, but as the gripes and grumbles testify to better times, the questions rising on the factory floor are of more than just nostalgia.
Directed by Lucie Rachel and Chris Hyde.
Dop: Julia brown
This film directed By Charlotte Toone
. London ballroom house The Legendary International House of Comme des Garçons feature in ‘Gang’ a visual navigation of queer identity, self-exploration and its impact on relationships.
Track: 'Gang' by Hurricane @hurricane_music
Dancers: Mariana Garçon @mariana.cdg
Tiffany Garçon @tiffany.garcon
Felix Garçon @duanenasis
Director: Charlotte Toon @lottienot
DOP: Julia Fiona Brown @julia_fiona_brown
1st AC: Catharina Scarpellini @catharinasz
Gaffer: Idris Rhys
Spark: Alex Denning @alexanderdavidedward
Production Manager: Tolu Oshodi @lphl_
Production Assistant: Ashley Baptiste @candyelijah
HMUA: Aaliyah Oke @okevisagiste.mua
Wardrobe: Charlotte Toon @lottienot
Wardrobe Assistant: Amie Fasuluku @vexinternational
Edit: Chris Fowles @chrisjfowles
BTS: Tolu Oshodi @lphl_
Celine Fortenbacher @celeesiceline
IDER- You’ve Got Ypur WHole Life Ahead of You Baby
I doped this music video by Homer and Farley.
Paul Maheke at Chisenhale Gallery
I had the pleasure of recording this Performance for archive.
Alistair James AW18 Presentation LFW
Shot this using Canon 5d mark 3